Back to school is always a difficult time for kids. They have to adjust to a schedule after summertime and get to know a new teacher with different expectations. Now throw in the uncertainty of what’s going on in the world and back to school anxiety is at an all-time high. Fear and worry are rampant among students and teachers alike. With all of this overwhelm there are still things we can do to help relieve the tension. Read on to learn 3 ways to help students with back-to-school anxiety.

Connect with Students
Connect with a child’s heart before connecting with their mind. Everyone is feeling uncertain and students want to feel safe. The best thing you can do is to assure them that this school year will be about so much more than academics. Of course, kids will be learning but you are there to help them emotionally as well. From the very beginning, make students feel heard and cared about. Include ice breakers that enable them to share their feelings and concerns. Back to school is about more than just classroom management this year. Once students feel understood and you are able to reach their hearts, then they will be open enough for you to reach their minds.

Create an Inviting Environment
First impressions are always important. You want to make your classroom inviting. Students should step into your space and feel comfortable there. Read some tips below to help set up a positive learning environment.
- Use lots of colors to make it feel bright and cheery
- Post positive quotes and affirmations around the room
- Cover fluorescent lighting with filters or light shades
- Play calming music during independent work time (examples: instrumental, classical, or nature sounds)

Integrate Social Emotional Learning
Now more than ever we need to focus on social and emotional learning as students come back to school. We can teach them how to understand and manage their emotions more effectively. Kids need to learn and practice strategies that will relieve their back-to-school anxiety. Below are some helpful tips to try.
- Deep breathing exercises (at home without a mask on)
- Visualizing with eyes closed
- Journaling feelings
- Using a mindfulness or meditation app
- Headspace for Kids (three age categories: 5 and under, 6-8, 9-12)
- Stop, Breathe, & Think Kids (ages 5-10)
- Smiling Mind (for kids and adults)
- Calm (for kids and adults, plus sleep stories)
*Check out the CASEL website to learn more about SEL. I love their slogan: Educating hearts. Inspiring minds.
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